Add Your Professional Email Account (Webmail) to Android Phone Using IMAP
This is an article on how to add a professional email account to your Android phone
- From the Android Home screen, tap on the Email icon
- Enter your email address and password, Then tap on Manual setup
- Select IMAP account
- On the next screen, enter your User name, password (For Incoming server settings) and
- IMAP Server : : Either 993 or 143 (very infrequently 585)
Security type : SSL
- Tap on next
- On the next screen, (For Outgoing server settings)
SMTP Server :
Port : Either 25 or 465 (very infrequently 2525)
Security type : SSL
- Tap on next
- Select the Email check frequency and tap on next
- Finally, name the account and input your display name
- Tap on Done
- Now you can check your Emails from Android
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